Life Assurance
You can’t predict what is going to happen from one day to the next but you can prepare for it. Having the facts to hand means you can make an informed decision on what life insurance you and your family need.
What should you be protecting?
We insure our home, our car, our holidays and sometimes even our family pets but the very thing we often overlook to insure is the most important of all, ourselves and our families.
Many people do not realise the financial impact that an unexpected serious illness, injury or premature death can have on a family. The unfortunate reality is that Irish families are struck by these events every day and the financial impact can be significant and long lasting.
Having a life insurance plan is an effective way of providing peace of mind knowing that should the worst happen, your loved ones will have the financial security they need at such a difficult time.
You can set up your life cover to pay a lump sum amount, a monthly income amount or both.
- Lump Sum on Death Benefit: this pays out a lump sum in the event of death, or in certain circumstances on diagnosis of a terminal illness, during the term of cover.
- Income on Death Benefit: this pays out a monthly income on death or, in certain circumstances on diagnosis of a terminal illness, for the remainder of the term of cover.
- Whole of Life Benefit: this pays out a lump sum on death. The difference with this benefit is that it will be paid out even if death occurs following the end of the term of cover for the main benefits. If, for example, your term of cover ends at age 65 for other benefits and you die at age 90, this benefit will still be paid out provided that you have paid all premiums when due.
Everyone is different and the level of cover you need will depend on your individual circumstances. As these change, so too will the amount of cover you need. Talk to us today. We have a comprehensive range of protection plans to suit your needs.